Ausgewählte aktuelle Publikationen
- Bauer, W., Titz, A., & Manda, M. C. (2024). Tracing the urbanisation of risk in Malawi: A multilevel analysis. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 16(1).
- Bertram, D., Lambracht, M., & Chilla, T. (2024): Settlement Systems in Mountain Regions: A Research Gap?. Mountain Research and Development, 44(2), A1-A9.
- Charqueño-Celis, F., Dubois, N., Zolitschka, B., Pérez, L., Mayr, C., & Massaferro, J. (2024): Climate and environmental history of Laguna Polo, Santa Cruz, Southern Patagonia (49° S) since 1300 CE. Journal of Paleolimnology, 1-16.
- Coletti, R., Chilla, T. & G. M. Salerno (2024): Cross-border living areas as popularisation of cross-border integration? Debating „Bacino di vita“ and „Bassin de vie“. European Journal of Spatial Development,
- Eimermann, M., Hochedez, C., Kordel, S., Morén-Alegret, R., Nijhoff, K., Tomozeiu, D., Torkington, K. & Weidinger, T. (2024): Assessing roles and strategies of public sector stakeholders in an evolving (lifestyle) migration industry: the case of the Dutch Emigration Expo. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, DOI:
- Geiselhart, K. (2024): Schamanische Welten und spirituelle Heilung. Wege zu planetarem Bewusstsein und Gesundheit. Geographische Rundschau, 9: 38-43.
- Hagazi, N., Brhan, A., Birhane, E., Gebrekirstos, A., Bräuning, A. (2024): Survival and Plasticity in Acacia saligna Growth across Contrasting Management Practices and Growing Niches. Journal of Environmental Management 367: 121941.
- Hippe, S. (2024): Different impacts of similar crises? The financial and COVID-19 crisis in border and non-border regions. European Planning Studies, 1-22.
- Kieslinger, J., Dohart, R., Jansen, S. & Kordel, S. (2024): What Is a Batey? Origins and Trajectories of an Antillean Concept. Journal of Latin American Geography 23(2), 64-90.
- Kordel, S. & Gruber, M. (Eds.) (2024): Migration Impact Assessment. A Toolbox for Participatory Practices. Nomos: Baden-Baden.
- Kordel, S. & Weidinger, T. (2024): Exklusion und Inklusion von Migrant:innen auf dem Land. (Nicht-)Teilhabe anhand der Dimensionen Mobilität, Wohnen und Arbeit. In: Wendt, W. & Faulde, J. (Hrsg.): Wohlfahrtspflege im ländlichen Raum. Herausforderungen für Sozialpolitik und Soziale Arbeit (Sonderband 2024 der Zeitschriften Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege und Sozialwirtschaft) (pp. 229-240). Nomos: Baden-Baden.
- Kordel, S. & Weidinger, T. (2024): Textbox „Kommit för att stanna? Flyktingar på tyska landsbygden. Insikter inom implicit platsmarknadsföring“, als Teil von Eimermann, M., Tomozeiu, D. & Carson, D.: Livsstilsmigranter och interkulturell kommunikation i svenska byar. In: Lundmark, L., Carson, D. & Eimermann, M. (Eds.): Med blicken mot Norr. Att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd (pp. 71-72). Arctic Centre at Umeå University: Umeå.
- Kordel, S., Weidinger, T. & Spenger, D. (2024): Engagement von Migrantinnen und Migranten in ländlichen Räumen. Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt EMILIE. eNewsletter Wegweiser Bürgergesellschaft 07/2024
- Kropač, E., Mölg, T., & Cullen, N. J. (2024): A new, high‐resolution atmospheric dataset for southern New Zealand, 2005–2020. Geoscience Data Journal, Early View.
- Landshuter, N., Aemisegger, F., & Mölg, T. (2024): Stable water isotope signals and their relation to stratiform and convective precipitation in the tropical Andes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(14).
- Saigger, M., Sauter, T., Schmid, C., Collier, E., Goger, B., Kaser, G., R. Prinz, A. Voordendag, & Mölg, T. (2024): A drifting and blowing snowscheme in the weather research and forecasting model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16,e2023MS004007.
- Samira Beiranvand, Pedram Attarod, Vilma Bayramzadeh, Kambiz Pourtahmasi, Mahdi Nadi, Thomas G. Pypker, Achim Bräuning (2024): Increasing drought frequency in the central Zagros Mountains of western Iran over the past two centuries. Journal of Arid Environments 224, 105240.
- Shahateet, K., Fürst, J.J., Navarro, F., Seehaus, T., Farinotti, D., & Braun, M. (2024): A reconstruction of the ice thickness of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet north of 70º S, EGUsphere [preprint], (soon to appear in final form)
- Siahi, M., Hofmann, A., Dixon, J., Wilson, A., Mayr, C., & Kapesi, L. (2024): Pongola Supergroup dolostones from the Buffalo River inlier, South Africa: facies, composition and implications for Mesoarchaean carbonate deposition. Precambrian Research, 411, 107493.
- Voordendag, A., Goger, B., Prinz, R., Sauter, T., Mölg, T., Saigger, M., & Kaser, G. (2024): A novel framework to investigate wind-driven snow redistribution over an Alpine glacier: combination of high-resolution terrestrial laser scans and large-eddy simulations. The Cryosphere, 18, 849–868,
- Zhao, Y., Lu, H., Fang, K., Zhang, P., Chen, D., Bräuning, A., Grießinger, J., Yang, B., Liang, C., Zhang, H., Sun, Y., Jin, Q., Li J. (2024): Deciphering the transfer of hydroclimate signals to tree-ring δ18O using a proxy system model in East Aisa’s Meiyu region. Chemical Geology 668 (2024) 122350. 122350