Institutskolloquium Kulturgeographie: Children’s Environmental Health in Georgia – 22.11.2023

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Vortragende Person: Dr. Tamar Bagratia

Titel: “Children’s Environmental Health in Georgia“

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Blake Walker



Environmental pollution has a serious toxicological impact on human health. Among pollutants, lead (Pb) is a substance with a major health impact and a highly cumulative trait. A study conducted in 2018 in Georgia shows that 41 per cent of children have extremely high blood lead levels greater than or equal to 5 micrograms per decilitre. This evidence indicates strong geographical patterns, which along with social factors are crucial for identify the root causes of this current public health crisis.

This talk describes the ongoing investigation into environmental and social factors implicated in lead intoxication amongst children as a socio-geographical construct. Using approaches and data from environmental sociology and human geography, we designed a socio- and ecogeographic model to examine the distinct geographical patterns of lead prevalence amongst children in Georgia. The results of this applied study have significant practical importance for directing urgently needed policy responses to intoxication causality.


Wann: Mittwoch, 22.11.2023 von 12:30 bis 14:00 Uhr
Wo: Seminarraum 00.175, Wetterkreuz 15; 91058 Erlangen