WG Biogeography and Dendrology (Bräuning)

In the biogeography and dendro sciences working group we deal with all aspects of dendro sciences. Our research focuses internationally on Asia, Europe, Africa and South America.

Dendrolab – the Dendro Lab  offers a variety of options for the preparation of wood samples, measurement of ring width and analyses of wood-anatomical parameters.

Isotope Lab – Scientific key aspects of our research are highly resolved reconstructions of climate using tree rings and lake sediments. Moreover, analyses of stable isotopes are employed for dealing with plant-physiological and environmental questions with regards to element cycles, food webs and oceanography.

Please find suggestions for 1st state exam-, bachelor- and master theses here:

Prof. Dr. Achim Bräuning

PD Dr. Christoph Mayr

PD Dr. Jussi Grießinger (in German only)

Dr. Zeynab Parisa Foroozan

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