Outgoing Students
If you are interested in studying abroad, please visit the website of the Central Office for International Affairs (RIA). There you will find all kinds of information on studying abroad and international scholarship advice as well as announcements about current worldwide study-related stay abroad possibilities. Please keep in mind that applications often have very short deadlines.
The 15 of January is the deadline for the next winter AND after next summer semester applications. Remaining places for the summer semester will be assigned until October 1st. For that to happen, please contact your ERASMUS coordinator. As a general rule, the stay-abroad period lasts 1-2 semesters.
If you have any questions please contact our ERASMUS coordinator Dr. habil. Thorsten Peters
The application deadline for the following summer and/or winter semester is generally 15 January. Applications for the ERASMUS+ programme for the winter semester 2025/26 and summer semester 2026 can be submitted until 15.01.2025. However, free places can also be allocated individually until October of the following year. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Sugam Aryal.
- Terms of participation
All enrolled students of Geography (B.Sc. and M.Sc.), Cultural Geography (B.A. and M.A.) and teacher training programmes who have completed at least two semesters at FAU before the stay abroad and have sufficient knowledge of the language of the country or language of instruction are eligible to participate. Students of other subjects may also be considered in exceptional cases. Under the link Partneruniversities you will find an overview from which you can select your desired university. The Department of International Affairs and the ERASMUS representative of the Department of Geography, Dr. Sugam Aryal can help you with your selection. - Select the university(ies) you wish to attend
- Please collect all the above documents and click on the following link to apply: Apply NOW
- Application to the Institute of Geography
- for study abroad in WS, SS, or WS + SS: 15 January of each year
- for stays abroad in a summer semester, subsequent nominations may still be possible until 1 October of the previous year
Required documents:
- Informal cover letter stating the desired universities (specify a maximum of 2)
- Informal CV in tabular form with picture
- Extract of grades from MeinCampus or self-generated overview of grades
- Proof of language skills, if applicable
- Nomination
After reviewing all application documents, we will inform applicants of the outcome of the selection process shortly after the application deadline and pass this on to the Department of International Affairs. - Registration with the Department of International Affairs
Once you have been successfully nominated, the Department of International Affairs is an important point of contact for you and will inform you about the further formalities. The Department informs the host university about the nominated students and the students about the registration modalities of the host university. - Anmeldung bei der ausländischen Universität
Once you have been informed by the RIA, you must now register with the foreign university yourself. Please note the registration deadlines! - Erasmus scholarship
Once the EU has provided you with all the necessary ERASMUS forms (e.g. declaration of acceptance and learning agreement with details of the courses you wish to take), the RIA will send them to you. - Recognition
In the Department of Geography, the Study Service Centre with Frau Dr. Birgit Schwabe is responsible for the recognition of academic achievements abroad. - Experience report
At the end of their stay abroad, all students are expected to submit an experience report.
Experience reports from former participants:
- Geography abroad – ein FAU-Blog zum Geographiestudium im Ausland
- https://blogs.fau.de/meinefau/tag/auslandssemester/
We look forward to receiving your applications!
Exchange partners of the Institute of Geography
University of Otago, Dunedin (Neuseeland)
Department of Geography
Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Cullen (Otago), Prof. Dr. Thomas Mölg (FAU) 1 Platz für 5 Monate; Erfahrungsniveau: Endphase BSc-Studium oder MSc-Studium (auch hier gilt der 15. Januar als Bewerbungsfrist)
Universidad de Cantabria, Santander (Spanien)
Departamento de Geografía,
Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio
Av. De los Castros s/n; 39005 Santander, Spanien
Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos García Codron
Phone: +34-942-201775
Fax: + 34-942-201703
Email: juan.garciacodron@unican.es 4 Plätze für jeweils 5 Monate
Université Paris Est Créteil (Frankreich)
Département de Géographie
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Claire Hancock
Faculté des lettres, langues et sciences humaines
Bâtiment i – Bureau i2-116 (1er étage)
Campus Centre
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
Phone: +33-1-45171258, Fax: -45171252
Email: hancock@univ-paris12.fr 6 Plätze für jeweils 5 Monate
Universitetet i Bergen (Norwegen)
Institut for geografi
Kurskatalog: http://www.uib.no/education/studies/courses-for-exchange-students Fosswnckelsgr. 6; N-5007 Bergen, Norwegen
Ansprechpartnerin: Grethe Meling; Study Advisor
Department of Geography, University of Bergen
Phone: +47-55 583073
Fax: +47-55 583099
Email: post@geo.uib.no 6 Plätze für jeweils 5 Monate
Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza (Posen, Polen)
Wydzial Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych
Instytut Geografii Spoleczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Collegium Geographicum
ul. Dziegielowa 27; 61-680 Poznan
Ansprechpartnerin: Barbara Mackiewicz (Faculty Coordinator)
Phone: +48-61 829 61
Fax: +48-61 8296281
Email: erazmgeo@amu.edu.pl Spezielles umfass enden Studienprogramm in English für Erasmus-Studenten 3 Plätze für jeweils 5 Monate
Universität Bern, Bern (Schweiz)
Ansprechpartner: Martina Carolus-Thürig
Phone: +41316313471
Email: martina.carolus@int.unibe.ch 3 Plätze für jeweils 5 Monate
Kasetsart University International College (Thailand)
Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Alisara Menakanit (Departmental Coordinator) E-mail: alisara.m@ku.th 1 Platz für 5 Monate (BSc oder Msc)
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel (Nepal)
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Uddhab Pyakurel (Institutional Coordinator) Phone: +977-11-415100
E-mail: uddhab.pyakurel@ku.edu.np 1 Platz für 5 Monate (Msc oder Projektarbeit)
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu (Nepal)
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Narayan Prasad Gaire (Institutional Coordinator) E-mail: narayan.gaire@pmc.tu.edu.np 1 Platz für 5 Monate (Msc oder Projektarbeit)
Weitere Partnerschaften:
- Minnesota State University Mankato (USA)
Department: Geography
Ansprechpartner: Donald A Friend
Studium dort wird nicht bezuschusst, dafür aber keine Zahlung von Studiengebühren.
Diese Partnerschaft wird im Rahmen des Direktaustausch USA zentral im RIA koordiniert.
- M.A. / M.Sc.-Stipendien für ein Studium in Ecuador (FLACSO) im Rahmen des DAAD-Programms Studien- und Ausbildungspartnerschaften (ISAP) (Bewerbungen geschlossen; Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Perdita Pohle
- Minnesota State University, Mankato (USA) im Rahmen des Direct Exchange Programms USA