ASTER Project (INTERREG Alpine Space Programme)
ASTER connects experts for sustainable Alpine development. The focus is on exploring Alpine Solutions for the Transition of the textile and plastic Equipment industry and the harmonization of interregional 5R strategies. The project aims at improving cooperation for textile and plastic waste mitigation in the Alps. Therefore, fine scale analyses form a basis to generate innovative solutions for a circular economy. First, to improve waste policies in the Alps, and second, to impact the current and future industry via mappings, tools, events and training materials.
In the first step, the project analyses the current situation of waste management in the Alps by combining interdisciplinary approaches. This scientific basis combines interdisciplinary knowledge for insights on the economic perspective, the current state of regulations and economic policies for waste management, and potentials for waste reduction from the outdoor and sports industry from a technical perspective. The FAU team has the lead for this work package. Moreover, the research group regional development drafts maps of 5R facilitators, mappings of flows and gaps, as well as institutional and governance mappings.
Second, the project cooperates with stakeholders from the Alpine area, aiming to raise awareness for new concepts and innovative formats for circular-sensitive production for the textile sector in the Alpine space. This project step defines pilot actions and tests new solutions e.g. prototyping and testing of circular principles (5R) incl. eco-design for mountain products to avoid waste.
Finally, the gathered knowledge and tested solutions will be transferred and recommended to the public authorities, policy makers and businesses in the Alpine region with tools and activities. This includes training materials, the proposition of circular models to circular value chains, regional multiplier events, and specific communication channels.
- Markus Lambracht, Institute of Geography, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla, Institute of Geography, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Programme duration: 2024-2027 (36 months)
- Budget: 2.6 Mio. €; Co-funded by the European Union
- Budget details: Total eligible costs: 2.612.359€; ERDF grants: 1.959.269€
- Projectpartners from 5 Alpine Countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia
- Project lead: Auvergne-Rhône-Alps Region (France)
- Official Project homepage
- Programme homepage
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alps Region (France)
- FAU – Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
- Techtera (France)
- Standortagentur Tirol (Austria)
- POLYMERIS (France)
- Città Studi S.p.A. (Italy)
- Cluster Montagne (France)
- FILSE Financial Agency of Liguria Region (Italy)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (Slovenia)
- University of Innsbruck (Austria)