Society-Environment Research Group
Welcome! The research group will start in January 2025. Stay tuned for updates!
Our team
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Jasper (Research Group Leader)
- N.N. (Postdoctoral Researcher)
- N.N. (Postdoctoral Researcher)
- N.N. (Doctoral Researcher)
- N.N. (Doctoral Researcher)
Our research
…will be explained soon!
Our research projects
DFG Cluster of Excellence
Matters of Activity. Image Space Material
Matters of Activity. Image Space Material
The Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity« aims to create a basis for a new culture of materials. The central vision of the Cluster is to rediscover the analog in the activity of images, spaces and materials in the age of the digital. Biology and technology, mind and material, nature and culture intertwine in a new way.
Networked through Sound: Listening to 20th Century Wildlife Sound Archives
Networked through Sound: Listening to 20th Century Wildlife Sound Archives
In the twentieth century, wildlife sound archives emerged as new sites of specialist scientific data sets, primarily as repositories of recordings for bioacoustics research and as reference libraries for the identification of species by scientific taxonomists and wildlife enthusiasts. »Networked through Sound« investigates the emergence of a network of seven wildlife sound archives initiated in the mid 20th century across Europe and South Africa. The primary objective of the project is to understand how this network of archives, and the sound recordings they are composed of, are produced and consumed across different social and cultural contexts.
Berlin University Alliance
Re-Scaling Global Health: Human Health & Multispecies Cohabitation on an Urban Planet
Re-Scaling Global Health: Human Health & Multispecies Cohabitation on an Urban Planet
This project poses two interrelated questions: What do the concepts of global and Planetary Health mean for the development of cities? And, related to that, how can we rethink the urban through a multispecies lens when it comes to questions of health and disease? Our consortium brings together an interdisciplinary team of urban scholars with ecologists and virologists to work towards advancing a theory and practice of multispecies urbanism that understands the environment not as a passive backdrop but as an active agent co-producing urban space and urban health.