Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): A Practice of Digital Investigation and Intelligence – Vortrag am Di. 11. Feb. 18.30

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Im Rahmen der Winterschool „Geodata for Human Rights“ laden wir zu einem öffentlichen Abendvortrag ein:

Di., 11.02. 18.30-20.00 (Kollegienhaus Universitätsstraße, Erlangen)

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): A Practice of Digital Investigation and Intelligence that has Become Central in the War in Ukraine and Raises Questions

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) refers to a set of methods that make it possible to uncover previously unknown information by collecting and aggregating freely available digital data on the internet. OSINT has become a widely used tool for many journalists, political activists or hackers. Marie-Gabrielle Betran questions OSINT practices in the context of the war of aggression in Ukraine.

Dr. Marie Gabrielle Bertran

Marie-Gabrielle Bertran holds a Master’s degree in History of Philosophy from Paris IV University – Sorbonne and a PhD in Geography and Geopolitics. She is currently a Postdoctoral researcher at the Centre interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux stratégiques (CIENS) and an affiliate researcher at the Institut français de géopolitique-Lab (Paris 8 University) and the Geopolitics of the Datasphere (GEODE) project.




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