Research projects
Climate response of tree growth in Ethiopia along an altitudinal gradient and implications on local climate and regional atmospheric circulation dynamics.
(funded by DFG; BR 1895/15-1 within DFG Research Package „Functional Ecology and Sustainable Management of the Munessa Forest, Ethiopia“;; Schedule: 2008-2012
Dendrochronologische und radiometrische Untersuchungen zur Bau- und Siedlungsgeschichte Nepals und Tibets.
(funded by DFG; BR 1895/18-1, 2008-2010; in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kretschmer, Institute of Physics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg;
Tree ring-based high-resolution temporal climate and environmental change in Corsica in the Late Holocene
(funded by DFG; BR 1895/20-1, 2010-2012; in cooperation with PD. Dr. Joachim Kuhlemann, apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Joachimski, Dr. Hubertus Leuschner)
Kurzfristige Auswirkungen und langfristige Konsequenzen klimatischer Extremjahre auf Waldökosysteme auf edaphischen Extremstandorten in Bayern
(FORKAST, 2009-2012;
Tree growth and wood anatomy along elevational and nutritional gradients.
(funded by DFG; BR 1895/14-2 within DFG Research Unit RU 816;
Schedule: 2010-2013
Monsoonal variations and climate change during the late Holocene derived from tree rings and glacier fluctuations (gemeinsam mit Dr. Jussi Grießinger (Erlangen) und Prof. Dr. Frank Lehmkuhl (Aachen) (funded by DFG; BR 1895/21-1;; Schedule 2011-2014
CLASH: Climate variability and landscape dynamics in Southeast-Tibet and the eastern Himalaya during the Late Holocene reconstructed from tree rings, soils and climate modeling.
Project part: Monsoonal variability and climate extremes during the last 2000 years in Bhutan and SE- Tibet derived from tree-ring parameters (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Schedule 2011-2014)
Monsoon variability, tree ecology and sustainable land use in the Ailao Mountains, Yunnan Province, China (funded by Robert-Bosch-Foundation; Schedule 2011-2014)
TRENCH (Tree-Ring Environmental Network for Climate Change Monitoring): Developing a tree-based indicator system for environmental change impacts on forest ecosystems in southern Ecuador (funded by DFG; BR 1895/23-1 within DFG PAK 823;; Schedule: 2013-2017)
“STReESS – Studying Tree Responses to extreme Events: a SynthesiS“ (EU-COST Action FP1106; Schedule 2012-2016)
Dendroecological analyses of moisture conditions and climatically controlled ecosystem responses along an elevation gradient in the central Himalaya (Nepal) (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Schedule 2015-2017).
Climatic impact on functional wood anatomy, seasonal wood formation, and tree growth along altitudinal gradients on Corsica (funded by DFG; BR 1895/27-1 within DFG PAK 927; Schedule: 2017-2019)