Dominik Bertram

Dominik Bertram

Department Geographie und Geowissenschaften
Institut für Geographie

Raum: Raum 02.177
Wetterkreuz 15
91058 Erlangen


nach Vereinbarung

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Projektleiter in der Arbeitsgruppe Regionalentwicklung von Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla. | Research fellow in the Working Group Regional Development of Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla.

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Mein Forschungsfokus liegt auf Europäischer Raumentwicklung insbesondere in Berg- und Grenzregionen. | Research focus on European spatial development, in particular in mountain and border regions.


Promotionsprojekt | PhD project

Centrality beyond size: functionality and accessibility in mountain areas

The concept of centrality aims at an efficient and equitable spatial organisation of services, which is particularly challenging in areas with specific geographical characteristics, such as mountain areas. In addition to morphological challenges, it is usually a low population density that affects centrality in a particular way.

From a methodological point of view, a settlement is usually considered to be of overarching importance or functionality if it has a high number of inhabitants. With regard to centrality as the main argument for a spatially balanced distribution of services of general interest, this concept has its limitations in regions with territorial obstacles. In these areas, settlements can theoretically have a high surplus of importance for smaller towns, even if they do not have a large number of inhabitants. This is particularly evident in mountainous regions. The classical concept of centrality organises services in such a way that all centres are equally accessible. However, the morphological structure of mountain regions requires a special form of organisation: more limited accessibility leads either to longer distances and travel times or (in the better case) to a higher level of services in smaller settlements.

For this reason, the PhD project examines the role of accessibility for centrality in mountain areas. The focus is on two strands of research. From a theoretical-conceptual perspective, the research aims to answer the following questions What is the relationship between the functionality and accessibility of mountain towns? What are the implications for the centrality of these cities? From a methodological perspective, my research reflects on the following key question What is the role of the indicators ‚accessibility‘ and ’number of inhabitants‘ in determining the centrality of mountain towns?

Methodologically, the analysis is based on a definition of the settlement system of the European Alpine region in terms of population size and accessibility. Accessibility calculations are used to generate so-called ‚catchment areas‘ by different modes of transport within certain selected travel times. The combination of population data and accessibility catchment areas is used to define centrality points and a general settlement system for the selected area.

This contribution makes it possible to systematically measure and quantify the relationship between accessibility and centrality in European territories with geographical specificities. It is an important contribution to the debate on how to organise an efficient and sustainable settlement system in territories with geographic specificities such as mountain regions, border regions or e.g. coastal regions.

Zeitschriftenbeiträge | Scientific publications

  • Bertram, D., Lambracht, M., & Chilla, T. (2024). Settlement Systems in Mountain Regions: A Research Gap?. Mountain Research and Development, 44(2), A1-A9.
  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., & Hippe, S. (2024). Cross-border mobility: Rail or road? Space-time-lines as an evidence base for policy debates. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 39(5), 913-930.
  • Hippe, S., Bertram, D., & Chilla, T. (2024). Convergence and resilience in border regions. European Planning Studies, 32(1), 186-207.
  • Bertram, D. (2024). Cross-border regional planning: Functional integration and spatial planning in border regions. Mitteilungen der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 70.
  • Bertram, D., & Chilla, T. (2023). Polycentricity and accessibility in mountain areas: the Alpine case. European Planning Studies, 31(12), 2425-2445.
  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., & Lambracht, M. (2023). The Alpine settlement system: capturing relevance beyond size. Journal of Maps, 1-6.
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., & M. Lambracht (2023). Städte und Siedlungssystem der Alpen. Geographische Rundschau, 75(3), 14-18.
  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., & Hippe, S. (2023). The laboratory dimension in cross-border development: insights from the Czech-German border region. Trendy v podnikání – Business Trends, 13(2), 4-16.
  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., & Wilhelm, C. (2023). Das ‚Mapping ‘regionaler Wertschöpfung Analytische Zugänge zu einem populären Begriff. Mitteilungen der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, (68/69).
  • Hippe, S., Bertram, D., & Chilla, T. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst of cross-border cooperation? Lessons learnt for border-regional resilience. Europa XXI, 43.
  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., & Wilhelm, C. (2021). Short value chains in food production: The role of spatial proximity for economic and land use dynamics. Land, 10(9), 979.


Projektberichte und Arbeitspapiere | Reports and working paper

  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., Hippe, S., Zumbusch, K. & D. Zwicker-Schwarm (2025): Kooperationsprofile deutscher Grenzregionen: Themen, Akteure, Governance – Erkenntnisse des BMBF-Projekts CoBo (Cohesion in Border Regions). Working Papers FAU Regional Development No. 6.
  • Bertram, D. & T. Chilla (2024). Investigating roles beyond size: small towns in the European Alps. TerritoriAll the ESPON magazine, Ensuring quality services: a territorial perspective. Online:
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., Cotella, G., Berisha, E., Bragaglia, F., Casavola, D., Janin Rivolin, U., Puntillo, E., Shaker, Y., Vitale Brovarone, E., Dallhammer, E., Gaugitsch, R., Mollay, U., Mansutti, S., Schirpke, U., Marot, N., Strauss-Gallmann, U. & E. Roux (2024). Targeted Analysis ESPON InTerAlp, Interface Territories across the Alpine region. Final report. Online:
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., Cotella, G., Berisha, E., Bragaglia, F., Casavola, D., Janin Rivolin, U., Puntillo, E., Shaker, Y., Vitale Brovarone, E., Dallhammer, E., Gaugitsch, R., Mollay, U., Mansutti, S., Schirpke, U., Marot, N., Strauss-Gallmann, U. & E. Roux (2024). Targeted Analysis ESPON InTerAlp, Interface Territories across the Alpine region. A new geography. Policy Brief. Online:
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., Cotella, G., Berisha, E., Casavola, D., Vitale Brovarone, E., Dallhammer, E., Gaugitsch, R., Mollay, U., Mansutti, S., Marot, N., Strauss-Gallmann, U. & E. Roux (2024). Targeted Analysis ESPON InTerAlp, Interface Territories across the Alpine region. Case study portfolio. Online:
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., Hippe, S., Zumbusch, K., Zwicker-Schwarm, D., Beisenwenger, L., Brandenburg, J., Günther, E., Kamolz, D., Mannmeusel, T., Petschler, J., Sachs, R. & Schneider, C. (2023). Grenzraumatlas-Arbeitsmaterialien aus dem BMBF-Projekt Cohesion in Border Regions (CoBo).
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., Hippe, S., Zwicker-Schwarm, D., & Zumbusch, K. (2023). Grenzraumakademie: Grenzregionen Deutschlands mit seinen Nachbarländern – Dokumentation der Konferenz.
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D. & M. Lambracht (2023). Mapping the Scene: Cartographic sketches linked to the EUSALP cross-cutting priorities – EUSALP Annual Forum under the Swiss Presidency. Working Papers FAU Regional Development No. 5.
  • Wilhelm, C., Bertram, D. & T. Chilla (2023). Regionale Wertschöpfung im Portrait. Ergebnisse der Wertschöpfungsanalysen im BMBF-projekt ReProLa.
  • Chilla, T., Bertram, D., Lambracht, M. & C. Wilhelm (2022): Innerdeutsche Vernetzung von Grenzregionen. Dokumentation des Workshops von 16./17. Mai 2022 im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Innern und für Heimat, Technical Report.
  • Corbineau, C., Gløersen, E., Lüer, C., Chilla, T., Heugel, A., Bertram, D., Varjú, V. & A. Igari (2021). Targeted Analysis ESPON LAKES, Spatial progress and integrated development opportunities of large lakes in Europe. Final Report.
  • Corbineau, C., Gløersen, E., Lüer, C., Bertram, D., Chilla, T., Heugel, A., Varjú, V. & A. Igari (2021). Targeted Analysis ESPON LAKES, Spatial progress and integrated development opportunities of large lakes in Europe. Synthesis Report.
  • Heugel, A., Bertram, D. & T. Chilla (2021). Targeted Analysis ESPON LAKES, Lake Constance, Cross-border Lake Region. Regional Report, Annex to Final Report.
  • Bertram, D., Garkisch, J., Geiger, W., Haack, A., Hellwagner, T., Hippe, S., Lambracht, M., Müller, C. & J. Reizlein (2019). Räumliche Integration: Das Beispiel der bayerischen Grenzregionen zu Österreich und Tschechien. Working Paper No. 3 der AG Regionalentwicklung an der FAU.


Vorträge | Presentations

  • „Alpine Towns: Findings from the RSA9 & InTerAlp”. Presentation at the Webinar ‘Climate & Municipalities’, hosted by the Alpine Towns of the Year Association. 01.2025, online.
  • „Erlangen und der Siemens Campus: ‚One-Company Town‘ oder Metropolisierungsprozess?“ Im Rahmen der Bundesfachschaftstagung (BuFaTA) 2024. 11.2024, Erlangen.
  • „InTerAlp – Interface Territories across the Alpine region“. Presentation at the ESPON seminar ‘No net land take trajectories: policies and practices across Europe’. 06.2024, Mons.
  • „The laboratory dimension in cross-border development: Insights from the Czech-German border region”. Paper presentation at the XB-CON International Conference 2023. 11.2023, Železná Ruda.
  • „Alpine Spatial Planning Perspective: linking spatial development and transport”. Presentation at the Joint Meeting of the Alpine Convention Working Groups Transport (WGT) and Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (WG SPSD). 09.2023, Paris.
  • „Small Places Matter: Polyzentralität in ländlichen Berggebieten“. Im Rahmen der Session ‚EU spatial policies for a green, just and cohesive Europe‘. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023. 09.2023, Frankfurt.
  • „Das Siedlungssystem der Alpen: Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung in Non-Standard Geographies“. Im Rahmen der AlpPlan Session: Alpine Raumordnung in Zeiten von Klimawandel und Energiewende. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023. 09.2023, Frankfurt.
  • „Borders in mountain regions – a double handicap?”. Paper presentation at the 9th EUGEO Congress. 09.2023, Barcelona.
  • „Stärken, Schwächen & Handlungsoptionen der Grenzregionen im deutschlandweiten Vergleich Grenzraumakademie“. Im Rahmen der Grenzraumakademie (Grenzregionen Deutschlands mit seinen Nachbarländern) zum Forschungsprojekt BMBF CoBo (Cohesion in Border Regions). 04.2023, Berlin.
  • „Polyzentralität in ländlichen Berggebieten: das Beispiel der Alpen“. Im Rahmen der 25. Jahrestagung „Ländliche Räume und Gesellschaften im Wandel. Aktuelle Forschungsfragen und -projekte“ des Arbeitskreises Ländliche Räume der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie. 05.2022, Bautzen.
  • „Alpine Towns – neue Erkenntnisse aus dem 9. Alpenzustandsbericht“. Institutskolloquium des Instituts für Geographie Erlangen. 02.2022, Erlangen.

Laufende Projekte | Current projects

Abgeschlossene Projekte | Closed projects

  • ESPON InTerAlp (2024-25). Territorial Analysis of Interface Territories across the Alpine region. With Politecnico di Torino and ÖIR. Online:
  • BMBF CoBo (Cohesion in Border Regions) (2021-23). Examination of the organisation of cohesion in border regions of Germany with its neighbouring countries and exploring of existing potentials. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Online:
  • ESPON LAKES (2020-22). Territorial Analysis of spatial progress and integrated development opportunities of large lakes in Europe. With Spatial Foresight and HÉTFA Research Institute. Online:
  • ESPON ACTAREA Tool (2020-22). With Spatial Foresight and Ibis Dev. Online:
  • Scientific support in the 9th Report on the State of the Alps: Alpine Towns (2021-22). Analysis of the Alpine settlement system and reflection on the ecological, economic, and societal roles that towns play in the Alps’ sustainable development. Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention | Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE (Switzerland). Online:
  • BMBF ReProLa (2018-23). Land management of regional products in urban-rural-partnerships at the example of the metropolitan region Nürnberg. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Online:
  • Urban and Regional Monitoring of Erlangen and the Siemens Campus (2016-25). Spatial monitoring of long-term effects of the Siemens Campus on spatial development in the City of Erlangen.

Wintersemester 2024/25

  • Methodenseminar: Regionalstatistik

Sommersemester 2024

  • Projektorientiertes Hauptseminar: Wissensstadt Erlangen

Wintersemester 2023/24

  • Methodenseminar: Regionalstatistik
  • Forschungswerkstatt MA: Alpine Raumentwicklung

Sommersemester 2023

  • Projektorientiertes Hauptseminar: Wissensstadt Erlangen

Wintersemester 2022/23

  • Methodenseminar: Regionalstatistik
  • Forschungswerkstatt MA: Berlin Grenzraumakademie

Work experience and academic qualification

  • Since 2020: Research fellow on the Institute of Geography
  • 2019-2020: Research consultant for Regional Development and personal assistant of a Member of the Bavarian Parliament
  • 2017-2019: Participation in the Working Group „Regional Development“ of Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla
  • 2018-2020: Master studies in Cultural Geography (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg), Master thesis on “Cross-border Regional Planning – Functional Integration and Spatial Planning in Border Regions”
  • 2017-2018: Internship at Markt und Standort Beratungsgesellschaft in Erlangen
  • 2016: Studies abroad at Universitetet i Bergen (Norway)
  • 2014-2018: Bachelor studies in Cultural Geography (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Networks and memberships