Tamar Bagratia

Tamar Bagratia

Raum: Raum 3.033
Wetterkreuz 15
91058 Erlangen


nur nach Vereinbarung


Curriculum Vitae


2020-2023 Ph.D. in Social Sciences

Georgian Technical University

PhD Thesis: “Comparative Analysis of Environmental Social Movements:

Cases of Georgia and Lithuania”

GPA – 4.0

1999-2002 Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,

M.A. Human Geography

1995 to 1999   Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

BSc. Human Geography

(Diploma with Honors)


Work Experience

2024 to present Gender Audit  Facilitator  (UN Women)
2023 to present Expert –  Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy – EECMD
2023 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Institute of Geography)
2023 Expert – UNDP  Project:  Fostering Decentralization and Good Governance at the Local Level in Georgia  –  Women for Transparent and Gender-fair Local Self-Government
2018-2022 ILO participatory Gender Audit  Facilitator  (UN Women)
– EU-funded programme Regional Engagement to Advance the Creation of Hubs for Democracy” (REACH for Democracy)
Expert –
Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG)

International Consultant/Trainer –IRI Moldova,  USAID project Political Leadership Academy for Women


Director– National Environmental Agency of Georgia


Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountain Region (Founder and board member)

Expert –
USAID/NALAG programme –
Institutionalization of Climate
Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Georgian Regions

Executive Director – Center for Development Research and



Gender Auditor – UN Women


Gender Expert –CEC Project “Development of intra-party gender democracy and women’s political empowerment through multimedia instruments”


Political and Gender Local Expert – OSCE/ODIHR


Coordinator of Gender Programmes,  National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia


National Coordinator of CEMR (Council of European Municipalities and Regions) for implementation of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life


Invited Lecturer – Subject “Gender and Politics”, Department of Political Science, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Leading Specialist – Central Election Commission of Georgia, Training and Development Office


Expert on Gender and Self-governance Issues–UNDP – Georgia,  “Gender and Politics Programme inthe South Caucasus”


Research Scientist –  Institute of Political Sciences,  Department on Local Self-government issues


Research Scientist –  Institute of Political Sciences,  Department on Gender Issues


Journalist – English Language Newspaper  “Georgia Today”


Invited Lecturer – Subjects “Gender, Conflict and PeaceBuilding”;

“Gender Aspects of Leadership”,Iv. JavakhishviliTbilisiStateUniversity


Specialist – PR and Students` service Department –

Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State  University


National Expert, Coordinator of PR Departments of Economic  Profile  Ministries –

World Bank Supported Structural  Reforms and Institutional Development ent Project




  • Tamar Bagratia, Iasha (Koka) Kutubidze, 2022. About Some Conceptual Definitions of Social Movements, Journal “Ganatleba,” Vol.3-38, Tbilisi, P. 175-181. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36073/2346-8300
  • Tamar Bagratia, The Theoretical Approaches to Study Social movements: Frame Analysis. 2022, Journal “ Ganatleba”, Vol.2-37, Tbilisi, p.149-154, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36073/2346-8300
  •  Tamar Bagratia, Environmental Protection Issues in the Focus of Sociological Researches, 2022. Journal “Ganatleba”,Vol. 1-36, Tbilisi, P. 185-190, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36073/2346-8300
  • Tamar Bagratia, Gender Aspects of Absenteeism, 2022, Georgian Technical University, International Conference “World and Gender”,Tbilisi,. p.226-237. http://law.gtu.ge/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/გენდერი-2022- 1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3Or4MxWuKkZVqKXKVkx18OhOJ8aTXsrqKC6DY673yo9WB5d-ME-4Hobos
  •  Tamar Bagratia, Irrational and Rational Aspects of Female Voting Behavior, 2020. EECMD, Tbilisi, https://eecmd.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/კვლევა_თამარ-ბაგრატია_EECMD_2020.pdf
  • Davit Maghradze, Tamar Bagratia and others “Grape and wine culture in Georgia, the South Caucasus. BIO Web of Conferences: Volume 7, 2016. 39th World Congress of Vine and Wine https://doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20160703027
  • Tamar Bagratia . Atlas of Women’s Political participation in Georgia, 2015, Project ”Intra-part Democracy Development”, CDRA – Central Election Commission of Georgia
  • Tamar Bagratia, Gender Analysis of Parliamentary Elections in Georgia, 2013. Strengthening women’s engagement in the political life of Georgia p.1-29 https://eecmd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/5318Women_Political_Participation_Expert_Papers_Canda_fund_2013-1.pdf
  • Tamar Bagratia, Medea Badashvili,  2012. Developing Intra-Party Democracy from a Gender Perspective, “Intra-party democracy and local governance” Tbilisi, P.7-39.
  • Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) in Georgia. https://eecmd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/IntrapartyDemocracyandLocalGovernance.pdf
  • Tamar Bagratia and others, 2009, “Glossary of Electoral Terms,” – Handbook , Tbilisi, ISBN 9878-9941-0-1994-4
  • Tamar Bagratia . International and Regional Normative Instruments on Women’s Rights and Gender   Equality, UNDP,Tbilisi,  2008
  • Tamar Bagratia, Nino Lagvilava, 2006,”Gender Parity in Political parties – Basis for Social Consensus,” UNDP,  ISBN 99940-
  • Tamar Bagratia “Gender Monitoring of Political Parties”, 2005, Tbilisi, OSCE/ODIHR project.
  • Tamar Bagratia “Mainstreaming Gender equality in Local Government” Journal “Gender and Change”,  UNDP,2005
  • Tamar Bagratia,Election Process and Credibility of Society, Journal “Local Self-Government, #3. 2003. Tbilisi, Yearbook of Scientific  works, 2005, ISBN 99940-731-4-1
  • Tamar Bagratia, 2004. Elections – Road to Democratic Society from Authoritarian State; Yearbook of Scientific works, Tbilisi ISBN 99940-731-2-5
  • Tamar Bagratia Elections – Political Value in Transitional Society. 2003, Journal “Local Self-Government, #5. Tbilisi.
  • Tamar Bagratia,Local Self-government and Civil Society, 2005, Journal “Mirror of local self-government”,
  • Tamar Bagratia, Trans nationalization of Democracy, 2003, Journal “Human  Geography,”Tbilisi,.ISBN 9940-18-27-



  • Conference Climate Change, Peace and Security – COP29 and beyond, Bonn University Club, Links Europe.  Bonn,  2024
  • International Conference “World and Gender,” Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi,2022.
  • Conference “Flood Hazard Management  Challenges and Strategies,” Tbilisi.2017,
  • XVIII International  Conference of Geographic information Systems and Remote Sensing, Tbilisi, 2017,
  • Group on Earth Observations Thirteenth Plenary Session – GEO-XIII,  St Petersburg, Russian Federation, 9-10, 2016
  • Crans Montana Forum on Africa and South-South Cooperation, Morocco, 2017
  • Black Sea Stakeholder Conference on Blue Economy, Batumi, 2017,
  • First Caucasus Mountain Forum: Bridging Science and Practice for Sustainability, 2016 ,Tbilisi, Georgia
  • The Eighth “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference “Greener, Cleaner, Smarter” Batumi, 2016
  • Group on Earth Observations (GEO) 12th Plenary meeting, Ministerial Summit, Mexico, 2015
  • Conference “Early Warning Systems in Disaster Prevention, Tbilisi, Georgia,2015
  • Supporting policymakers to develop Measures to maintain GES across the SES, (University of Malta)
  • Conference “Sharing of experiences on adaptation to climate change in mountain areas”, 23 October 2012, Eger, Hungary, UNEP